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About Me

Hello! I'm Jacob Whiten. I have a background as an attorney, a job that requires compelling and clean writing. One missed detail can be the difference between winning and losing a case for a client. So you can be certain that, if we work together, I will take the editing process seriously and work to polish your manuscript as much as possible. 


I am an experienced editor with a BA in English from the University of Michigan, an editing certificate from the University of Chicago, and a publishing certificate from the University of Denver. I have worked on several books, and I am a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association. Check out some of my previous work here


I offer copyediting, line editing, and proofreading services. All of these stages of editing make the manuscript look more professional. This allows you as the author to be taken more seriously. After all, you want readers focused on your message, not a typo.  


I really enjoy helping authors through a portion of the publishing process. I know editing can be painful, but I will strive to make it as stress-free as possible so that you can get to the fun part: getting your work out into the world! If you're interested in working together, contact me here

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